
September 11, 2011

9/11: A Soldier’s Story

In honor of the 10th Anniversary of 9/11 If you’re reading this, and my mamma’s sitting there, looks like I only got a one-way ticket over […]
September 10, 2011

Wisdom from a Military Mom: COACH

In honor of the 10th Anniversary of 9-11 My son announced that he was joining the Army National Guard. He was 17 and a junior in […]
September 8, 2011

Show Your Patriotism: 10 Years After 9/11

TEN YEARS AFTER 9/11 On Sunday, September 11th, 2011, an American flag should be displayed outside every home, office building, and business in the United States. […]
September 5, 2011

Speaking Tips for Women

If you’ve ever been afraid… That you won’t be taken seriously… That you won’t ever be paid what you’re worth as a speaker… That your topic […]
September 4, 2011

Speaking Tips: 7 Secrets to Connect with Your Audience

Martin Presse, Canadian Talk Show Host, invited me for a second appearance on his Booya Radio Hour on August 30th, with the hot topic of how […]
September 4, 2011

Knowing Results with Meeting Planners

What percentage of satisfied people in an average audience does it takes to satisfy a meeting planner? Has any research been done to determine what % […]
August 31, 2011

Steve Jobs: Top Ten Apple Ads

Originally posted in Apple on 8/30/2011 by J. Glenn Kunzler Steve Jobs’ reign as CEO of Apple, Inc., entertained and educated us some of the most […]
August 30, 2011

Speaking Tips: Toasts, Eulogies and Speeches

How to organize your presentations for Toasts, Eulogies and Speeches Looking for simple tips for giving presentations? June 14, 2011 Martin Presse conducted a lively interview […]
August 28, 2011

Tradition? Patriotism? Commitment! Pride!

A lone Tomb Sentinel, 3d U.S. Infantry Regiment (The Old Guard), walks his tour in humble reverence during Hurricane Irene in Arlington National Cemetery, Virginia, August […]