
December 5, 2011

8 Steps to Stellar Presentations: Main Body

Step 7: Structure the Main Body In previous blog posts, we’ve looked at Step 1: Develop Your Objectives Step 2: Know Your Audience Step 3: State the […]
December 4, 2011

8 Steps to Stellar Presentations: Transitions

Step 6: Develop Transitions In previous blog posts, we’ve looked at Step 1: Develop Your Objectives Step 2: Know Your Audience Step 3: State the Main Ideas […]
December 4, 2011

8 Steps to Stellar Presentations: Create an Opener

Step 5: Create an Opener In previous blog posts, we’ve looked at Step 1: Develop Your Objectives Step 2: Know Your Audience Step 3: State the Main […]
December 3, 2011

Public Speaking Tips: Openers

In any presentation, short or long, you need a memorable opening! Key Components of an Opener: • Attention-getting statement • Key points highlighting the topics, what […]
December 2, 2011

8 Steps to Stellar Presentations: Supporting Information

Step 4: Decide on Supporting Information In previous blog posts, we’ve looked at Step 1: Develop Your Objectives Step 2: Know Your Audience Step 3: State the […]
December 1, 2011

8 Steps to Stellar Presentations: State the Main Ideas

Step 3: State the Main Ideas Think about the content of your presentation, which is 80%. What is the “gotta know” information? Then, what supports that? LESS=MORE […]
November 30, 2011

8 Steps to Stellar Presentations: Know Your Audience

Step 2: Know Your Audience Approach your presentation from your audience’s perspective – not your own. Use these questions to help you build your presentation: 1. Why is […]
November 29, 2011

8 Steps to Stellar Presentations: Develop Your Objectives

Step 1: Develop Your Objectives What do you want to communicate to your audience? As you begin to prepare your presentation, decide what you want to achieve […]
November 24, 2011


A Tea Prayer by Dharlene Marie Fahl God gives and returns to me from within me. I look out, I look in, and God is all […]