
A Tea Prayer by Dharlene Marie Fahl

God gives and returns to me from within me.
I look out, I look in, and God is all I see.
God is all there is.
Eternal giving and eternal receiving—
together they work in complete harmony.
Like a dance choreographed so beautifully.
We flow together, live together, move, and have our being as one.
This interchange is mutual and divine and mine.
I claim it. I claim God for me and good for me.
All I sow, I shall reap—this is God’s law.
Love and good manifest for me now.
To take back or take away is never God’s way.
I choose my words and thoughts carefully.
I pray from a place of security.
I respect God’s laws of reciprocity and generosity.
I am grateful for this rule, for the way it is.
I remember to surrender and trust what is.
I have faith in how things will come back to me.
And so they do, and so it is, and so I let it be.

~ Darlene Fahl-Brittian
Author, speaker, certified tea specialist

Published in Heart of the Holidays:
Yuletide Treasures & Traditions,
by Sheryl Roush
Original short stories, poems, and quotations honoring
Thanksgiving, Christmas, Yuletide Around the Globe,
Hanukkah, Winter Solstice, Ringing in the New Year,
and Military celebrating abroad. Purchase copies here.

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