
October 3, 2011

Customer Service Week October 3-7

Customer Service Week is an international event devoted to recognizing the importance of customer service and honoring the people who work on the frontlines serving and […]
October 2, 2011

Free Speaking Seminar October 4 in Temecula, CA

Want to be a more dynamic presenter? Boost engagement, rapport and sales? Need fresh ideas you can use immediately? Internationally top-rated speaker/trainer and speaking coach Sheryl […]
September 23, 2011

Inspiration: The surest way to change the future

The inspirational and insightful “poem” was written by an unknown Monk in the 11th century. It’s relevance to today is undiminished because it reminds us that […]
September 20, 2011

Sept. 26 Program: Solid Gold Slide Design

Solid Gold Slide Design: Making your Presentations POP!   As business professionals – you need to reach people – and public speaking is an ideal means of […]
September 11, 2011

9/11: A Soldier’s Story

In honor of the 10th Anniversary of 9/11 If you’re reading this, and my mamma’s sitting there, looks like I only got a one-way ticket over […]
September 10, 2011

Wisdom from a Military Mom: COACH

In honor of the 10th Anniversary of 9-11 My son announced that he was joining the Army National Guard. He was 17 and a junior in […]
September 10, 2011

“Three-Star” Military Mother

I am a Three Star military mother, with three sons currently serving in the U.S. Armed Forces. Their late father, Robert and I are both U.S. […]
September 8, 2011

Show Your Patriotism: 10 Years After 9/11

TEN YEARS AFTER 9/11 On Sunday, September 11th, 2011, an American flag should be displayed outside every home, office building, and business in the United States. […]
September 5, 2011

Speaking Tips for Women

If you’ve ever been afraid… That you won’t be taken seriously… That you won’t ever be paid what you’re worth as a speaker… That your topic […]