Yesterday, I presented to my youngest audience in quite some time… 8-year-olds, and live via webinar! Add to this, a cultural element, as the children were Chinese, first generation Americans, living across the U.S. The benefits of having presented adult training programs (seven tours) in Hong Kong, Malaysia and Singapore gave me greater understanding and reference to this audience, and of their parents watching in the background. As with any presentation, I do my advanced homework, study the organization, browse websites, use their language, look for correlations and application. With younger audience members having shorter attention spans, interesting stories needed to be sprinkled throughout the 45-minute workshop-style session, and points made “at their level.”
At the end of the webinar, Eric gives a three minute prepared speech, om the topic of “If I Had a Million Dollars, I would…” and I was asked to offer feedback in the “sandwich” format – positive, suggestions, and positive. He was adorable — and you, too, will be impressed with his three-part plan!
The host, Speak to Lead, LLC, offers series of multi-week on-line programs for students (Grades 3-12) who have little or no public speaking skills, or students with stage fright (shy, lacking confidence, nervous, or refusing), with expertise for the Chinese bilingual market.
Watch the full webinar here: https://youtu.be/7dziz5jqplU
Email Sheryl@SherylRoush for the handout, with the subject line: Speak to Lead Handouts.
Other organizations I have presented tailored webinars for include:
NAPO Chapters (National Association of Professional Organizers) as a member-benefit and recruiting event
San Diego Zoo Global Academy
and several Districts of Toastmasters International
To have a customized webinar presented for your group, email Sheryl@SherylRoush.com, with the subject line of WEBINAR