Public Speaking: Taming the Stage Fright Tiger

25 Public Speaking Tips for the Non-Professional Speaker

1. Believe the audience sincerely wants you to succeed, and learn from you.
2. Affirm you have a message they need to hear and offers value.
3. The more time you devote to preparation in advance, the less anxious you will be.
4. Mind map your concepts initially (not starting with a lined memo pad!).
5. Then draft a simple outline indicating potential flow, content and transitions.
6. Incorporate the multiple communication modalities of listeners.
7. Sit quietly and see yourself presenting this program. Hear your words.
8. Write out your entire presentation, word-for-word.
9. Craft a solid “grabber” opening statement, and a purposeful closing.
10. Read it out loud word-for-word, as if you were giving it live.
11. Edit it more, to be in your “voice.” Can you “speak it” and it “sounds” like you?
12. Condense your major points, as bullet point reminders, on ONE index card.
13. Practice using the handwritten index card to enhance visual memory.
14. Rehearse your delivery (being as natural as possible) standing in front of a mirror.
15. Observe your timing, pacing and flow. Be genuine and confident.
16. If using slides, practice run-throughs several times, and have a back-up plan.
17. Visualize yourself presenting this program successfully. See it, hear it, feel it.
18. Be congruent with your body language, movement, voice and facial expressions.
19. Add audience interaction, activities and more conversation into your timing.
20. Video record yourself, a head-to-toe view … and yes, watch it closely!
21. Visualize the improvements. Video record it again. Watch it, again.
22. Further prepare by rehearsing at the location if at all possible.
23. Create short positive affirmations to say to yourself.
24. Arrive early at the location, get (equipment) set-up and settled-in.
25. Meet people, ask them what they came to learn, and deliver it!

A Public Speaking Guidebook

A Public Speaking Guidebook

For an easy step-by-step manual to hold your hand through the process, order a copy of my new Public Speaking Guidebook, 7 Simple Steps to Business Presentations. Just released June 7th, the 48-page easy-to-use manual provides 21 checklists, templates and worksheets to help you develop, design and deliver a professional presentation. Regular price: $59.95. On sale through September 1st for only $40!

– Sheryl Roush, Speaker and Speaker Strategies Expert

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