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[h3]Attitude: The Healthy Alternative[/h3]
Humorous live presentation by acclaimed speaker Sheryl Roush!
Learn how to:
- Stay sane and lighthearted in stressful times
- Deal with difficult people
- Raise your spirit with 7 Sparkle-Tude™ Boosters
This program normally sells for $19.95… it’s yours free! [/video_text][/video_left] [two_thirds]
About Sheryl Roush
President/CEO of Sparkle Presentations, Inc., a California S Corporation, based in San Diego. Sheryl is an internationally top-rated inspirational speaker. She is the author of 17 books, including Solid Gold Newsletter Design, Sparkle-Tudes!®, Heart of a Woman, Heart of a Woman in Business, Heart of a Military Woman, Heart of a Mother, and Heart of the Holidays.
Sheryl is available for VIRTUAL and LIVE events, including conferences, association meetings, retreats and workshops, specializing in boosting attitude, creating positive work environments, customer service, public speaking, marketing and communication skills. Her clients and industries include: administrators, direct sales, education, financial, government, healthcare, hospitality, retail, realty, and womens’ conferences.
[one_half]Your presentation changed the life of several women in the audience. The attendee evaluations picked you #1 speaker!
– Sheila McDonnell, Producer
Women in Business Symposium
You were really great! I don’t know if I have ever had the occasion to meet a person that was as dynamic, organized, personable, friendly, thoughtful, structured, passionate and great as you proved to be yesterday, it was truly a wonderful experience. Your attitude is contagious and you are sincerely appreciated from our little old Oklahoma perspective. I cannot say thanks enough! Sheryl, thank you for lifting our spirits, making our All Staff the “best ever” (as I was told by numerous people) and giving our staff a very memorable occasion.
– Richard Pralle, CFO
Red Rock Behavioral Health Services
Sheryl’s professionalism and enthusiasm are infectious! Her training has helped bring the management team of the Zoological Society to another level altogether, and we look forward to each new class she brings to our organization. I couldn’t endorse her any stronger.
– Tim Mulligan, Chief Human Resources Director
San Diego Zoo Global
Sheryl, you have a special talent for engaging the audience in an inclusive and relaxing way. I’ve rarely seen a presenter connect with an audience in such a short time. It was quite impressive to witness! I also appreciate the way in which you were able to tailor the presentation based on the specific needs and requests you received from us in advance.
– James F. Anderson, President & CEO
CalSAE-California Society of Association Executives
Thanks once again for the exceptional presentation this afternoon. It was very informative, enlightening, and extremely useful to all that attended. We received a lot of very favorable comments on how well prepared, organized it was as well as the world class delivery. We do look forward to seeing more of your work in the future.
-Rick Sunamoto, Director of Manufacturing
HM Electronics, Inc.
I don’t know if I have ever had the occasion to meet a person that was as dynamic, organized, personable, friendly, thoughtful, structured, passionate and great as you proved to be yesterday. Your attitude is contagious and you are sincerely appreciated. I can not say thanks enough! You are blessed and we were blessed to have you in our lives yesterday. Sheryl, thank you for lifting our spirits, making our All Staff the “best ever” (as I was told by numerous people) and giving our staff a very memorable occasion.
-Richard Pralle, CFO
Red Rock Behavioral Health Services
As a speaker my credibility is reflected – enhanced or diminished – by the visual quality of my support material – my newsletters, handouts, one-sheets and brochures. Sheryl’s insights, techniques, and PRACTICAL wisdom give me confidence and save me money, time, and aggravation.
-Christopher Witt, Ph.D.
Witt Communications
Excellent speaker!!! Truly the best I’ve heard. Would love to have her speak again.
– Linda Yamamoto
Scripps/Mercy Hospital
Sheryl Roush is not only creative, she is intelligent in matching an advertising message to the audience a speaker wants to reach. When I want materials that are professional in appearance and content, I go to the ‘Pro’ herself, Sheryl Roush.
– Terry Fitzgerald Sieck, J.D., M.P.A.
[/one_half] [one_half_last]I am so glad that I hired Sheryl to develop my marketing materials. She is highly creative and easy to work with. Her ideas and suggestions improved my marketing materials tremendously! Sheryl is a terrific coach and consultant, I recommend her without hesitation.
– John Boe
John Boe International
Just want to thank you for all your wonderful coaching. Yesterday I gave the best speech I have ever given. Thanks I am getting there.
-Teresa Shanahan, Ph.D.
Lifeline Healthcare, Inc.
Sheryl’s tremendous insight and knowledge of marketing opened the door to a new career for myself in stress management and wellness. Her sensitivity to fine details directed me to the correct population I wanted to educate holistically. She is a strong mentor to motivate myself and others with a genuine sense of honesty and integrity.
– Dorann Pohmurski, R.N., B.S.N.
Holistic Nurse
As a former direct marketing writer and executive, I am keenly aware that you shouldn’t be your own campaign manager and that good help is hard to find. In seeking assistance and guidance in preparing my materials, I turned to Sheryl Roush. She is probing, insightful and has a great eye for the visual–and she delivers. I can recommend her highly.
– John Reddish, CMC
Advent Management International
I spent one hour with Sheryl to review a brochure design… she was ON, and RIGHT-ON! She was amazing!! She quickly grasped the vision of my business and not only guided me to a beautiful, professional-quality design, she also channeled exciting ideas that will take my business to another level. She’s a marketing genius, and a lot of fun!!
– Linda Shay
The Dolphin Way
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Audiences include:
[star_list]- Brooks Brothers
- Carlsbad Premium Outlets
- Catholic Congress-Annual Convention
- City of Lubbock – Water Utilities
- County of Los Angeles Management Council
- Kohler Co.
- Las Vegas Metropolitan Police
- Lifeline Healthcare, Inc.
- Los Angeles County Management Council
- National University
- National Water Rural Association
- Professionals In Human Resources Association
- San Diego Zoo Global
- Starwood Hotels and Resorts
- Steven R. Olmos, Dental Office
- Tustin Unified School District
- UCSD Healthcare & Medical Center
- Union Bank
- Washington Inventory Service
Related Topic Titles with Sheryl Roush:
[arrow_list]- Creating a Positive Work Environment
- Customer Service with Heart
- Interpersonal Communication Skills
- Sparkle-Tude!®
- Sparkle When You Sell!
- Sparkle When You Speak!™
- Stress Management Skills
- Supervisory Skills for Managers