A Tribute to Mothers

If you’ve been wondering why I’ve been “quiet” and not sending out regular newsletters or posting regular blogs… I’ll be transparent and share with you that last January my Father “went Home” … and Mother passed only 128 days later, right after Mother’s Day. After three years as their caregiver, suddenly I was an Orphan. If you’ve experienced a passing of a parent, or a close loved one, then you know the pain, the heartache, and physically missing them.

Just before Mother’s Day 2007, I released the Heart of a Mother book, dedicated to my Grandmother (my mother’s mother), and presented the first copy to my Mother, without her even knowing I was compiling the book. It’s filled with loving stories celebrating Moms everywhere. Friends raved that “You must have a great relationship with your Mother.” No, I didn’t. It was the most challenging book for me to create, since I’m not a mother (except for furry four-legged ones), and had a strained relationship. Interestingly enough, from my Mother reading the book, it started conversations that were more significant in nature. This book has been a catalyst for immense healing between mothers and daughters. It was for us, too.

I learned that to HAVE the Mother I always wanted, I needed to BE the Daughter I needed to be. In the final days of Mom’s life journey (as well as Dad’s) I truly felt – saw – and experienced – unconditional love.

There’s no time like the present to celebrate those we love, especially while they still walk among us.

May you have a Joyous, and Sacred, Mother’s Day. You never know when it will be your last.


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